About us
Konnevesi 4H Association
Freetime activities, clubs, trainings, work, entrepreneurship, internationality, trips..
For young people aged 6-28 years old
Educational purpose to endorse..
- entrepreneurship
- employability
- active citizenship among young people
Three Steps to Employment models aim is to endorse entrepreneurship, employability and active citizenship in young people.
In the 4H clubs children learn practical skills by doing fun activities led by a trained club leader.
- Employability and employment step help youngsters make the transition from education to employment. The Passport to work- course gives confidence and skills needed to find a work. Hands on –courses young person can learn practical skills in: Babysitting, Dogsitting, Housekeeping, Gardening etc. After completed a course the young person can employed through 4H to work in that field.
- The Passport to work –courses help a young people make the transition from education to employment by improving their employability skills and knowledge of the rules of the working world. A keen young person also has the opportunity to start their own 4H Enterprise.
Konnevesi 4H Association offers internationalism courses, youth exchange programs and field trips abroad. Participants have the opportunity to get to know young people from other countries at various events such as seminars and camps. 4H also arranges Erasmus + -projects with young people.
Finnish 4H members can also participate in IFYE (International 4H Youth Exchange) and SIRYE (Short-term International 4H Youth Exchange) programmes. Likewise, international 4H members arrive from all corners of the world in Finland to learn about our culture. During their stay in Finland, the international 4H guests stay at Finnish host families and learn about 4H activities in Finland.
The idea
In 4H, children and adolescents grow up towards a responsible and enterprising adulthood. The activities take into account the different stages of children’s development, focusing on learning by doing.
The 4H club instils practical skills and knowledge with the help of professional instructors. Training and courses provided by 4H further build on these competencies. The activities help children become active citizens, entrepreneurs and employees.
The goal
The 4H Federation is a national, unified and constantly evolving civic organisation supporting children’s life management and entrepreneurship. 4H is Finland’s leading organisation in producing activities for adolescents.
4H thinking was initially brought to Finland by individuals who had paid visits to the birthplace of 4H, the United States, and seen for themselves how useful such activities could also be in Finland. Launching 4H activities was contributed to by several major organisations and NGOs, particularly the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare and the Martha Organisation.
Current projects (Erasmus +)
More Citizenship network
Start Up - Strategic partnership
Past projects
2011 - Snapshots - Youth in Action, Youth exchange - Malta & Finland
2012 - Lost Connection?-Youth in Action, Youth exchange - Finland & Malta
2012 - Safety Net - Youth in Action - Malta & Finland
2013 - Be Aware - Youth in Action, Youth exchange - Malta & Finland
2013 - Work Aware - Youth in Action, Youth exchange - Malta & Finland & Romania & Italy & Latvia
2013 - Praxis - Youth in Action, training - Finland & Malta & Italy & Romania & Turkey & Estonia & Denmark & Great Britain
2014 - No Hate - Youth in Action, Youth exchange - Finland & Malta
2016 - Keep Calm and Stay Healthy, Youth exchange - Finland & Denmark & Poland
2017 - DMT 4 Discrimination, Youth exchange - Denmark, Finland, Poland & Malta
If you interested in doing co-operation with us, here are the contact details:
Konnevesi 4H Association
Kauppatie 25
44300 Konnevesi
email: konnevesi(at)4h.fi
phonenumber: 00358 40 8466 135
Find us from Facebook: Konneveden 4H-yhdistys
Instagram: 4Hkonnevesi